Tuesday 6 April 2010

Busy beaver.....

I have been working on a technique for my next class, Textile and Embroidery – Manipulation at Waltham Forest Adult College, and after mastering the technique I decided to turn it into a bag.... tah dah.......
I asked chloe if she liked it and she couldn't believe how you start off with such a big piece of fabric and end up with such a small bag at the end.
It's funny watching it gradually shrink as you keep working into it. But as
I really enjoyed making it and i've got the pile of fabric that I won from Maggie Grey I am thinking of making an even bigger bag. But i'm off to north Norfolk for a few days break tomorrow so watch this space.

Here are some brooches that I made as well for the E17 spring market. Although I never work in these colours it's great to get you in the mood for summer.


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