Saturday, 19 July 2014

Gotta love.....

pininterest! It's a little obsession of mine since breastfeeding, it was a god send keeping me awake in the early hours. I just love seeing what other people create and then getting ideas and inspiration.

So we were having an issue with Eloise's books in her bedroom when I stumbled on this great idea on pininterest using Ikea spice racks.....

Take one chest of drawers + Ikea spice racks+ gloss paint + new handles + paint old handles...... voila!


Works perfectly and Eloise can grab books whenever she likes, although she still makes us get them for her : )


Gina said...

What a fabulous idea. I wish I'd seen that when my children were little.

I am inspired said...

I know, there are so many fabulous ideas on Pinterest that are great for my little ones! The internet is just amazing!